Red Sauce America - Food, Culture, and Italian American Experience

American Polpette

By on Tuesday, June 7th, 2022 at 8:55 am | 954 views

American Meatballs

American-style meatballs served over spaghetti was invented by immigrants arriving in the United States. Typically, Italian meatballs were served separately rather than alongside spaghetti.

In the 1948 English-language recipe collection, The Art of Italian Cooking, Maria Lo Pinto provides a meatball recipe with two serving suggestions: with a salad, or with tomato sauce and spaghetti.

Adapted from The Art of Italian Cooking, Maria Lo Pinto, 1948.

Serve with vegetables and salad, or with tomato sauce and spaghetti.


1 lb chopped beef
3 tbsp Romano
3 eggs
3 slices stale bread
1 clove garlic
2 tbsp parsley


Soak bread in water for 5 minutes.
Combine wet bread, eggs, cheese, garlic, and parsley.
Season with salt and pepper.
Roll into balls.
Roll in flour.
Fry in oil, about 10 minutes.

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